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Imagine a world where the local church was the engine for transformation in every community. Imagine if ordinary believers were empowered to discover and live out the unique ways God created them to make an impact on the world. Imagine churches of all sizes and denominations coming together to support each other, exchange learnings, and tackle the biggest challenges facing the globe. Through The PEACE Plan, this dream is becoming a reality, and there’s a role for your church to play.
The world is facing large scale challenges, and there aren’t enough doctors, teachers, or missionaries to solve issues like pandemic disease, poverty, and illiteracy. But there is an army of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, who are sitting in churches waiting to be mobilized. No matter the size of your church, you can inspire and equip your members to live the life they were called to live, and mobilize them to make an impact.
Jesus established the Church and gave it his authority to be the agent of demonstrating his love to the world. In the Great Commission, he called each of his followers—not just a chosen few—to live lives on mission: “All authority is given to me in heaven and earth . . . Therefore go.” The PEACE Plan works and creates sustainable transformation because it’s initiated BY the church and happens THROUGH the church. When the local church becomes the center of change in a community, the result is reproducible, scalable, sustainable transformation.