Month: septiembre 2019

Supporting the Vulnerable: A Rwandan Church Keeps Families Intact

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”  James 1:27 Isaac is a young pastor in Rwanda who has a passion for educating and caring for vulnerable children with disabilities. Pastor Isaac …

Supporting the Vulnerable: A Rwandan Church Keeps Families Intact Leer más »

Welcome to the Family: Young Man Living with HIV Finds Community in the Church

When Jacob’s friend invited him to Saddleback Church four years ago, he reluctantly agreed to go. He wasn’t sure what to expect – he’d never attended church before, and if people discovered his true story, what would they think of him? Little did he know, that simple invitation would begin a series of events that …

Welcome to the Family: Young Man Living with HIV Finds Community in the Church Leer más »

A Home in Our Hearts: Local Church’s Adoption Support Group Brings Life Change

When Linda and her husband Les married, they knew they wanted to start a family right away. After countless doctor’s visits and tests, they learned some disheartening news — they would not be able to conceive. Linda’s heart ached as she watched mothers push their babies in strollers at the mall. Would she ever hold …

A Home in Our Hearts: Local Church’s Adoption Support Group Brings Life Change Leer más »