From August 29–31, nearly 30 delegates from 14 churches attended PEACE Leader Training at Saddleback’s Rancho Capistrano Retreat Center. Led by Global PEACE Pastor, Mike Contantz and Conference Coordinator, Mary Ann McMillan, the event equipped PEACE Leaders to establish the PEACE Plan in their own churches.
In addition to delegates from Saddleback Church, attendees came from Nevada, Texas, Massachusetts, Georgia, Colorado, Indonesia, Cameroon, and Jordan. The three-day training began with an overview of the PEACE Plan and its Biblical foundation, and then offered practical implementation through a four-step process: 1) The Foundation of a healthy church with a solid disciple-making process 2) Mobilization to lay out the actionable next steps 3) Transformation to follow Jesus’ model of going after the lost and 4) Expansion to work from church to church, and ultimately complete the mission of going to all the unengaged people groups of the world.
The main purpose of the seminar was to provide delegates with tools to establish the PEACE Plan process in their own churches and begin living out Local and Global PEACE.
As Global Team Pastor, Bob Bradberry explains, “There was great interaction between delegates from different countries and cultures—each learning a new paradigm for mobilizing members to live on mission. This was a practical opportunity to re-think the way that they’ve been doing missions, and learn new best practices, plans, principles, and mission values.”
Now that delegates have a deeper understanding of PEACE, they are taking action steps to mobilize members in their own churches as part of the Purpose Driven discipleship process. They will also be better equipped to analyze and think through appropriate responses to relief and environmental situations.
Following the success of this event, nearly 90 trainees attended the Spanish PEACE Skills Training on September 1-2. Held at Saddleback Rancho Capistrano, the event hosted leaders from Spanish speaking churches throughout Mexico and San Diego. Translated into Spanish, the PEACE Skills Training program included Mexican Education, PEACE Leader Training, Purpose Driven, Church Planting, English as a Second language, Clean Water, Savings Groups, Orphan Care, and HIV/AIDS.
Pastor Bob says, “With these tools in place, leaders can go back to their home churches and offer their own PEACE Training in each aspect of the letters of PEACE.”
To learn more about being trained in PEACE and the Purpose Driven Movement, visit pd.church/start.