Saddleback Church is just one of thousands of churches that strives to live out love in action. The PEACE Plan is a Church-wide strategy for helping people take that next step in serving, whether that means locally at home or globally by working with churches around the world.
Each spring, Saddleback’s Hong Kong campus steps outside their comfort zone as an expression of local PEACE during their annual PEACE Box project.
As the campuses’ signature event, the campaign started six years ago as a means to bridge the church with local families in need. This Easter, 15,000 empty boxes were distributed and filled with gifts by the Saddleback Hong Kong family, along with 100 participating schools, churches, non-profits, and businesses.
For the first time, Saddleback’s international campus partnered with The City University of Hong Kong, serving as the headquarters for delivery and display of the PEACE boxes. It was here that hundreds of Saddleback volunteers spent two days building a giant PEACE Box tower. During the weeks leading up to Easter, the sculpture was unveiled during a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and displayed for 20,000 students.
All 15,000 PEACE Boxes were then given to families in need, mobilizing more than 56,000 people from the point of supply to the moment of delivery. In celebration of the project, Saddleback Hong Kong hosted Family Fun Day — a party and worship service for 600 people who experienced the joy of God’s family.
Saddleback Hong Kong is already planning their 2020 PEACE Box event, with a goal to fill 25,000 boxes and mobilize 100,000 people. Most importantly they want to create a big impact in the community by sharing the hope and love of Jesus one box at a time!
To learn more how you can bring PEACE to your own neighborhood, visit pd.church.